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Academic Presentations
Babins-Wagner, R., Levesque, D., Tutty, L., Young, S., & Rothery, M. (2012, July). The impact of motivational interviewing on abuser’s readiness for change. International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth New Hampshire. Babins-Wagner, R. & Tutty, L. (2011, April). The impact of motivational interviewing on abuser’s readiness for change. Alberta College of Social Workers Annual Conference, Calgary, AB. Babins –Wagner, R., Tortorelli, C., & Pearce, J. (2010, June). Lessons learned: Working with children impacted by domestic homicide (Panel Presentation). 2nd Annual Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Conference. Calgary, AB. Babins-Wagner, R., Levesque, D., Tutty, L., Young, S., Rothery, M., Friesen, L. & Zalmanowitz, S. (2010, July). The impact of motivational interviewing on abuser’s readiness for change. 14th International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH. Babins-Wagner, R., Levesque, D., Tutty, L., Young, S., & Rothery. (2010, September). The impact of motivational Interviewing on abuser’s readiness for change. 15th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, CA. Babins-Wagner, R., Levesque, D. Tutty, L., Young, S., & Rothery, M. (2010, November). The impact of motivational interviewing on abuser’s readiness for change. RESOLVE Research Day 2010. Calgary, AB. Babins-Wagner, R., Tutty, L., & Rothery, M. (2009, September). Treating women who abuse intimate partners. 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, CA. Babins-Wagner, R., Tutty, L., & Rothery, M. (2009, September). The response of court mandated participants to the Responsible Choices for Men Program. 14th International Conference in Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA. Babins-Wagner, R., Tutty, L., & Rothery, M. (2009, October). Family violence and addictions: The relationship between distress and treatment outcomes. Poster presentation at Family Violence Prevention Fund National Conference on Health & Domestic Violence, New Orleans, LA. Blaney, E. (2007). Training police officers as an effective justice system response. Paper presented at the RESOLVE Alberta Research Day, Calgary. Blaney, E. & Fitch, L. (2008). Sharing proud results of a partnership project: Effective police response to intimate partner violence. International Association of Women Police Conference, Darwin, AU. Blaney, E. & Fitch, L. (2008). Sharing the proud results of a partnership project: Effective police response to intimate partner violence. Understanding and preventing domestic violence Symposium, Griffith University’s Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance and the Violence Research and Prevention program, Brisbane, AU. Damant, D. (2008). Chair and representing Quebec. Session titled: Specialized domestic violence courts: Examining process, efficacy and challenges in the Canadian context. Law & Society Association/Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, QC. Dawson, M. (2008). Implementing a specialized domestic court program: Examining its impact over four years. Session titled: Specialized domestic violence courts: Examining process, efficacy and challenges in the Canadian context. Law & Society Association/Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, QC. Dawson, M. (2008). Victim support in the specialized court process: Examining its impact on victim participation and case outcomes? European Society of Criminology, University of Edinburg, Scotland. Eriksson, L., Mazerolle, P., Johnson, H. & Wortley, R. (2012). Life events and negative emotions: Comparing the experiences of partner and non-partner homicide offenders. Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide Symposium, Brisbane, AU. Eriksson, L. & Mazerolle, P. (2011). Characteristics of partner and non-partner homicide: Findings from the Australian Homicide Project. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Eriksson, L. & Mazerolle, P. (2010). Intimate partner homicide: A general strain theory application. Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference, Alice Springs, AU. Eriksson, L. & Mazerolle, P. (2010). Intimate partner homicide: A general strain theory application. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Eriksson, L. & Mazerolle, P. (2010). Intimate partner homicide: A general strain theory application. Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, SE. Eriksson, L., Mazerolle, P., Wortley, R. & Johnson, H. (2010). The use of life event calendar methodology in intimate partner homicide research. ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference, University of Sydney, AU. Gill, C. (2012, June). Domestic homicide in New-Brunswick (1999-2008). Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. Gill, C. (2012, June). Domestic violence cases processed in a domestic violence specialized court and a regular court in New Brunswick: What is the difference? Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. Gill. C. (2012, mai). Réflexion sur la recherche sur les homes et la violence conjugale. CRI-VIFF, Université Laval, Québec, QC. Gill, C. (2012, mai). Mesures judiciaires visant à contrer la violence conjugale: survol des recherches réalisées et pistes de recherche et d’action futures. Conférencière invitée, CRI-VIFF, Université Laval, Québec, QC. Gill. C. (2011, May). Understanding domestic homicide in New-Brunswick (1999-2008). Conference 2011. Violence against Women: Complex realities and new issues in a challenging world, CRI-VIFF: Montreal, QC. Gill. C. Letourneau, N., Secco, L. & C. Young. (2011, May). Mother-infant relationships in violent families. Conference 2011. Violence against Women: Complex realities and new issues in a challenging world, CRI-VIFF: Montreal, QC. Gill. C. (2010, November). Justice response to domestic violence cases in two locations in Gill. C. (2010, November). Domestic homicide in New Brunswick between 1999 and 2008. National Research Day 2010. Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. Gill. C. (2010, November). Justice response to domestic violence cases in two locations in Gill. C. (2010, November). Domestic homicide in New Brunswick between 1999 and 2008. National Research Day 2010. Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB Gill. C. (2010, September). Specialized justice responses to domestic violence cases. Safety 2010 World Conference, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, UK. Gill. C. (2010, June). National Death Review Models: New Brunswick. 2nd Annual Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Conference. Homefront and University of Calgary: Calgary, AB. Gill, C. (2009, December). The importance of data collection on the justice system response to intimate partner violence. International Conference 2009«The École polytechnique massacre» Twenty Years on Male Violence against Women and Feminists, Université du Québec à Montréal: Montreal, QC. Gill, C. & B. MacKnight. (2009, June). Developing DV Fatality Committees in Canada: New Brunswick Domestic Death Review Committee. 1st Annual Canadian Conference on the Prevention of Domestic Homicides, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. Gill. C. (2009, February). The Canadian Observatory: An International Research Network on Justice System Responses to Intimate Partner Violence, Seminar: ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, Australian National University, Canberra: Australia, February 9. Gill, C. (2008). Working in collaboration: The Canadian observatory on the justice system response to intimate partner violence, Understanding and preventing domestic violence Symposium, Griffith University’s Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance and the Violence Research and Prevention program, Brisbane, AU. Gill, C. (2008). Specialised -v- non-specialised domestic violence courts. Development of an integrated grid for data collection, Conference organized by the Office of the Secretary general, Department of justice, equality and law reform, Waterford: Ireland. Gill, C. (2007). Observatoire canadien sur les mesures judiciaires prises pour contrer la violence conjugale. 1st international meeting on crime observatories, Institut national des hautes études de sécurité, Paris. (vous trouverez cette présentation sur ce lien internet sous Mme Gill - C:\Documents and Settings\rinaa\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\G1Y0TDG9\ICPC - Other ICPC Events (2).mht. Voir sommaire de cette conférence. Gill, C. & McTiernan, H. (2007). Using conditional sentences in domestic violence cases: Hampton, M. (2010, November). Legal system use patterns in Saskatchewan rural, urban, and northern survivors of intimate partner violence. National Research Day 2010-Engaging our communities: Working together to end intimate partner violence, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, UNB, Fredericton, NB. Holder, R. (2009, February). Domestic violence and criminal justice: What victims want and what researchers look for. Canadian Observatory on the Justice System's Response to Intimate Partner Violence, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, UNB, Elluminate Live! online Discussion Series. Holder, R. (2008). Defining justice from victim perspectives, Understanding and preventing domestic violence Symposium, Griffith University’s Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance and the Violence Research and Prevention program, Brisbane, AU. Holder, R. (2008). Police and Risk Assessment in DV Situations. New South Wales Police Domestic Violence Liaison Officer Conference, Woollongong, AU. Holder, R. (2008). Catch 22 – Victim Interests in a Public Interest System. Presentation to conference entitled JUST PARTNERS: Family Violence, Specialist Courts and the Idea of Integratio. Canberra, Australia Jackson, M. (2008). Presentation on gender differences in cyberbullying as that is conceived of as relational aggression. American Educational Research Association, March 24-28, New York City. Jackson, M. (2008). Presentation of Aboriginal Young Women and Violence study. PREVNet, Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence, University of Toronto. Jackson, M. (2007). The Voices of Urban Aboriginal Girls on Intergenerational Violence and Aggression in Their Lives, RESOLVE Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta. Jaffe, P. (2009, January). The need for university-community partnerships to enhance collaboration to review and prevent domestic homicides. Canadian Observatory on the Justice System's Response to Intimate Partner Violence, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, UNB, Elluminate Live! online Discussion Series. Johnson, H., Mazerolle, P., Wortley, R., & Eriksson, L. (2012). Lethal and non-lethal violence against female partners: What are the similarities? Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide Symposium, Brisbane, AU. Letourneau, N., Donovan, J., Van Driel, K., Joschko, J. (2010, April) Mothering though domestic violence: Intersections with justice. Abstract presented at UNB Nursing Research Day, Fredericton, NB. Letourneau, N. (2009, November) Mothering through domestic abuse: Opportunities and intersections with the justice system and social services. Canadian Observatory on the Justice System's Response to Intimate Partner Violence, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, UNB, Elluminate Live! online Discussion Series.Mazerolle, P., Eriksson, L., Johnson, H., & Wortley, R. (2012). The Australian Homicide Project: Key findings on intimate partner homicide. Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide Symposium, Brisbane, AU. Mazerolle, P. Wortley, R., Johnson, H., & Eriksson, L. (2011). The Australian Homicide Project: Key findings. American Society of Criminology, Washington DC. Mazerolle, P. Wortley, R., Johnson, H., & Eriksson, L. (2010). Developmental pathways to intimate partner homicide: Understanding individual and situational dimensions. Crime and Violence Across the Life Course Conference, Brisbane, AU. Mazerolle, P. Wortley, R., Johnson, H., & Eriksson, L. (2010). Developmental pathways to intimate partner homicide: Understanding individual and situational dimensions. National Research Day, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, CA. Mazerolle, P., Wortley, R., Johnson, H. & Eriksson, L. (2009). Developmental pathways to intimate partner homicide: Understanding individual and situational dimensions. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Mazerolle, P. (2008). Developmental pathways to intimate partner homicide: Understanding individual and situational dimensions, Understanding and preventing domestic violence Symposium, Griffith University’s Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance and the Violence Research and Prevention program, Brisbane, AU. Sellers, S. (2012, May). Exploring police attitudes to intimate partner violence: Continuity or change? Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide Symposium, Brisbane, AU. Sellers, S. (2010, November). Exploring police attitudes towards domestic violence in Queensland, Australia. National Research Day 2010-Engaging our communities: Working together to end intimate partner violence, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, UNB, Fredericton, NB. Tutty, L. (2008). Calgary’s HomeFront Specialized Domestic Violence Court. Session titled: Specialized domestic violence courts: Examining process, efficacy and challenges in the Canadian context. Law & Society Association/Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, QC. Tutty, L. (2007) Calgary’s HomeFront Specialized Domestic Violence Court. RESOLVE Alberta - Research Day, University of Calgary, Calgary: November. Ursel, J. (2008). Results from Winnipeg study of the specialized courts in our region. Session titled: Specialized domestic violence courts: Examining process, efficacy and challenges in the Canadian context. Law & Society Association/Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, QC. Poster presentations Blaney, E. & Fitch, L. (2008). Poster: Canadian observatory on the justice system's response to intimate partner violence. International Association of Women Police Conference, Darwin, Australia. Dawson, M. (2008) Poster: Canadian observatory on the justice system's response to intimate partner violence. European Society of Criminology, University of Edinburg, Scotland.
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