Dr. Paul Mazerolle
Dr. Paul Mazerolle |
Title: Professor & Pro Vice Chancellor (Arts, Education and Law)
Institution: Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia
Mailing address:
PVC (Arts, Education and Law)
Mt Gravatt Campus, Griffith University
176 Messines Ridge Road
Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Telephone : (07) 373 55710, ext. 56994
Email: p.mazerolle@griffith.edu.au
Professor Paul Mazerolle is the Prov Vice Chancellor (Arts, Education and Law) at Griffith University in Brisbane Australia and former Director of the Violence Research Program and the Key Centre, for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance. Paul undertakes research in a range of areas including the processes that shape criminal offending across the lifecourse, the consequences of violent victimization for criminal offending, repeat victimization, and intimate partner violence. In 2007, he and colleagues received a large grant from the Australian Research Council to undertake a comprehensive three year study (2008-2011) into the developmental and situational antecedents of intimate partner homicide.
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