Dr. Mary Hampton
Dr. Mary Hampton |
Title: Professor of Psychology
Institution: Luther College at the University of Regina
Mailing address:
University of Regina
Luther College
3737 Wascana Parkway
LC 223
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
Telephone: (306) 585-4826
Email: Mary.Hampton@uregina.ca
Dr. Mary Hampton, Department of Psychology, Luther College, University of Regina, has expertise in qualitative methods as well as community action research methodologies. Dr. Hampton recently co-edited Intimate Partner Violence: Reflections on Experience, Theory, and Policy and is working with a large network of researchers and community partners on The Healing Journey, a SSHRC/CURA-funded project. She is also a researcher with the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). Her other research interests include end of life care with Aboriginal families, sexual health of Aboriginal youth, and cancer care for marginalized populations. She recently received the Feminist Mentoring Award from the Canadian Psychological Association.
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